Translation of Merovingians curse
(too old to reply)
2003-10-18 14:41:10 UTC
I know this must have been asked before but I can not find the answer

The Merovingian curse once at the table and once again (under his
breath) at the fight in the grand lobby

What does he say. I was hoping for something in the subtitles of the
DVD but the was nothing.

2003-10-18 17:59:19 UTC
Post by perry
The Merovingian curse once at the table and once again (under his
breath) at the fight in the grand lobby
Hmmm... there are two probable reasons for that:

1) It's VERY loose/colloquial French (difficult to translate for DVD)
2) The longer lines are really quite vulgar...

So, if you're easily offended, take it on faith that he swears... no, I
mean, REALLY swears. No doubt someone here will give you a [very poor
web/hack's] translation, but I'd prefer not to post such vulgarity.

Better still, I'll give you the cleaner Mellovingian versions of what he
*means*, along with the one line that I CAN address verbatim (if you still
want the first 2 translations literally, ask & I'll mail them to you... but
be warned).

Merovingian at Dinner Table (1st line RE: Cursing):-
"Nom de Dieu. De putain de bordel de merde de saloperies, de connards
d'enculés... de ta mère!"

- Mello-commentary: Rest assured, while The Merovingian seems fairly
laissez-faire about Neo's presence, in reality he realises it isn't going to
could well turn into a bad day for him, given that situation (he is fairly
upset/disturbed by it, even though he was well aware that Neo would very
certainly show up... at some point... as he did).

Merovingian to Persephone (2st line, walking through doors):
"Nom de Dieu... de putain de bordel de saloperie de couille de merde."

- Mello-Commentary: Persephone has inflicted a low blow... to the
Merovingian's nethers!

Merovingian to Persephone (3nd phrase RE: Lipstick):
"C'est rien... c'est rien du tout!"
( ... is nothing, this is nothing...)

- Mello-commentary: By repeating that it's nothing, he hopes Persephone will
believe him...

*NB. "C'est rien" equates to 'is nothing', while
*NB. "... [ce'st rien] du tout" equates to '[is nothing] at all"

"The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of"
2003-10-18 20:12:27 UTC
hey !!

here is a literal translation of the Merovngian's curse:
he says:

Merovingian at Dinner Table (1st line RE: Cursing):-
"Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé
de ta mère."

which means nothing, it is just a long series of swear words that are
usually used separately like that:
- nom de Dieu (in God's name)
- putain (fucking)
-bordel de merde (bin filled with crap / piece of shit)
-de saloperie(i do not think there is a equivalent in english)
-enculé de ta mère(more or less motherfucker)
the word "de" is just a link, it does not mean anything
Post by Melloccino
"Nom de Dieu... de putain de bordel de saloperie de couille de merde."
nom de Dieu(in God's name)
bordel de merde(bin filled with crap / piece of shit)
de couilles de merde (shitty balls)

Darrel Hoffman
2003-10-18 21:22:56 UTC
Post by Pepita
"Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé
de ta mère."
which means nothing, it is just a long series of swear words that are
- nom de Dieu (in God's name)
- putain (fucking)
putain = whore
Post by Pepita
-bordel de merde (bin filled with crap / piece of shit)
Actually, "bordel" means "brothel", so it probably should be grouped with
"putain" from the previous line.
Post by Pepita
-de saloperie(i do not think there is a equivalent in english)
According to Google language tools...
salope = bitch
saloperie = filth
Post by Pepita
-enculé de ta mère(more or less motherfucker)
It's worse than that. "enculé" implies sodomy...
Post by Pepita
the word "de" is just a link, it does not mean anything
Actually, it technically means "of" or "from", but here it doesn't
necessarily make any grammatical sense.

Merovingian is definitely saying some very naughty things...
2003-10-27 01:32:40 UTC
I have also read/heard that "nom de Dieu" can be translated to mean
"goddamn", in which case the phrase could mean...

"Goddamn fucking piece of filthy shit jerk motherfucker!"

saloperie is filth or dirt, i think. so de saloperie would make someone a
filthy or dirty piece of shit, or something along those lines.
Post by Pepita
hey !!
Merovingian at Dinner Table (1st line RE: Cursing):-
"Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard
d'enculé de ta mère."
which means nothing, it is just a long series of swear words that are
- nom de Dieu (in God's name)
- putain (fucking)
-bordel de merde (bin filled with crap / piece of shit)
-de saloperie(i do not think there is a equivalent in english)
-enculé de ta mère(more or less motherfucker)
the word "de" is just a link, it does not mean anything
Post by Melloccino
"Nom de Dieu... de putain de bordel de saloperie de couille de merde."
nom de Dieu(in God's name)
bordel de merde(bin filled with crap / piece of shit)
de couilles de merde (shitty balls)